Trash and recycling, in the proper containers, is to be put out no earlier than 4PM the day before trash day. Our trash vendor picks up trash and recycling on Mondays. Please secure all loose items as the development tends to be prone to gusty winds.
Once trash and recycling has been picked up, the cans must be promptly brought in from curbside and properly stored before 11 PM.
If you are going away on vacation you may not put trash cans out and leave them for the duration of your absence.
Trash cans may not be stored in front of your garage.
Items over 24 inches are considered bulk pickup at the expense of the owner and you will need to contact them with a description, size, and weight of the item for pricing, payment, and to arrange a pickup date. In short, if it doesn’t fit in your bin that week, you will need to arrange bulk pickup. You can contact AEC by calling their office at 610-574-9612 or emailing them at